TEDx Savyon


Itay Cohen accompanied the TEDx Savyon 2020 venue with a vast amount of creative & outstanding works.

An animated video for the event opening, a musical animated logo, video presentations, he aided in speakers presentation designs, transition segments, wine labels, designed the stylized and unique brochure & much more.

To my own delight I got to know Itay who was a very significant factor to the event’s success – his creations were displayed on the local screens as well as on stage and the prestigious wine labels.

Itay is endowed with outstanding talent, special & unique to him, he is creative, different & fascinating.

Apart from that, high quality service & personal involvement in the project.

It was a continuous pleasure to work with him & there is no doubt that we’ll keep on working with him in the future.

Itay is an artist & whoever loves art & artists in their projects – he is your guy!

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